Perhaps you’re just starting out on your Call of Duty journey and picked up the Sniper class for the first time. Or you’re a seasoned veteran looking for tips on how to become more of a pro. Well look no further, because here are the tips and tricks to become the best at sniping.
Just like in my last post about how to become better in general at Modern Warfare, the best thing you can do is practice, practice, practice. It’s just like they say, “Practice makes perfect.”
The more you use the Sniper class, the more you’ll get used how the weapons work. You’ll also over time become better at spotting enemies to aim down the sight faster than they do. Speaking of which…
Use Marksman Rifles First
Infinity Ward definitely made the Aim Down Sight (ADS) speed in Modern Warfare slower for sniper rifles than in past games. This was either done to make the game more realistic, or it was to counter-act the 360-degree-spin-around no-scopers from games past.
Whatever the reason the ADS speed will hamper you if you are not a veteran sniper. This is because most enemies you face will be using assault rifles (ARs) or sub machine guns (SMGs) which have a much faster ADS speed. In a battle between who spots who first, it’ll be the ADS speed that determines the winner.
What I recommend is to not use sniper rifles at all in the beginning if you’re just starting out using the class. It will be much easier to use Marksman rifles because the ADS speed is snappier and faster than sniper rifles. Unlock the Sniper Scope attachment with your favorite marksman rifle and use it to become better at taking down your opponents.
Sniper Class Attachments
Once you’re comfortable with the marksman rifle, it is time to upgrade to the Sniper class. Sniper rifles have more power and have better range than marksman rifles, plus when you aim down the scope you can see further than the scopes of the marksman rifles.
“But Nebraskan Otaku, in your older post you said sniping sucks. Why are you changing your mind?”
Because, dear reader. I discovered that you can increase the ADS speed of the Sniper class through specific attachments. This means you will get the quickness and speed you need to defeat your enemies.
Here are the attachments you need for each sniper rifle:
Dragunov: 510mm Compact Barrel
HDR: FTAC Stalker-Scout Stock
AX-50: 17.0″ Factory Barrel
Note: I don’t have everything unlocked, so I’m sure there’s more attachments you can use to increase the ADS speed.
With these attachments, you will get the same speed as the marksman rifles, but with increased power.
And now for the downsides.
While the attachments increase your ADS speed, your weapon will lose points for Control and Mobility. So when you aim down your sight, you will have increased sway in your rifle, making it harder to hit your target. You will also have increased recoil, making it more difficult to line up your next shot.
Which brings us to…
Hold Your Breath
Always, always, ALWAYS hold your breath when sniping. Why?
Because you have much more control when taking your shot.
If you try to shoot without holding your breath, your chance of missing the target goes up considerably. So get in the habit of holding your breath each time you take a shot.
Knowing when to reload is extremely important when using the Sniper class. I have made the mistake of reloading at the wrong time which led to my imminent death. Here are some scenarios for if you should reload your rifle:
Scenario 1: You have four rounds left in your five-round clip. You know that there is a high chance of seeing enemies once you go around this corner.
Do you reload?
“But Nebraskan Otaku, I have four rounds. Isn’t that enough to take them out?”
No, dear reader. I have run into too many instances when I need all five rounds to take out as many enemies as possible once I pop out of a corner. Too many times have I died because enemies are shooting at me as I’m trying to reload since I made the mistake of not reloading prior to the shootout.
Scenario 2: You just killed an enemy, and it took you three rounds to kill him. Now you have two rounds left in your clip. There could be enemies popping out at any moment.
Do you reload:
Always, always, ALWAYS assume the worst case scenario. You do NOT want to have two rounds left in your clip if suddenly three enemies pop out at the same time. Then you’re left scrambling for cover trying to reload.
Don’t make these mistakes when reloading.
In Summary:
Practice, practice, practice
Use Marksman rifles before advancing to Sniper rifles
Use the proper attachments on your Sniper rifle
Always hold your breath when taking a shot
Know when to reload