Holy shit! I’ve been gone a long time. Where have I been?
“Nebraskan Otaku! Where’s my weekly dose of otaku articles??”
I’m sorry, dear reader. At first it was merely a slight writer’s block, but then it morphed into some Godforsaken blob of depression and anxiety. Both of which are a HUGE bitch.
So to counteract this monstrous, disgusting blob, I’m going to cancel sending out weekly otaku posts. And instead I’m going to post articles…whenever I want!
“God damn it, Nebraskan Otaku! I counted on your articles being weekly! How am I supposed to know when a new one is released?”
You won’t, dear reader, unless you…SUBSCRIBEEE!
Subscribing means you will get instantly notified whenever I post a new article. This way you never miss a chance to read my superb posts (or rants).
“Okay, but how often will you be posting?”
What part of “…whenever I want!” do you not understand??
But seriously, I will be posting within at least two weeks time of each. Possibly longer. Depends on how life works out and all that jazz.
It’s good to be back, dear reader. Be sure to subscribe for all of my updates!