The game I am currently playing right now is Black Desert Online for Xbox One. I saw their advertisement on YouTube where it showed some amazing graphics for the character creation and gameplay for the mobile game, and I was sold. However, I despise playing mobile games on a 5.8 inch screen because my hands become cramped (like when i play on the GBA SP or the old Nintendo DS). I remember seeing streams of Black Desert on the Mixer channel, so I made the choice to purchase the console version so I could play on my 50 inch TV. This was the first MMORPG I have ever played in my life, so I was in for a world of extreme confusion.
I fired up Black Desert and was excited to make a cool-looking character. However, I had to go through a bunch of hoops to start playing that took me a long time.

Family Name? The hell is that? I had no idea what they meant by Family Name so I had to google it immediately. I’m somewhat of a perfectionist, so once I found out that Family Name is basically a last name, I had to brainstorm to figure out a cool last name for all of my characters since I figured I would be stuck with that name forever (Like my Xbox Live gamertag). First, I tried to think of something fantasy-like that would be bad ass, something similar to a fantasy country. The first to pop into my head was the fantasy country of Altissia from Final Fantasy XV, so I tried to make my family name based on that. What I came up with were Alteria and Altaria. I thought, “Altaria sounds like a sweet fantasy name.” And then after google searching, I remembered that Altaria is a freaking Pokemon. So that one’s out. But I didn’t stop there. I had to keep brainstorming for the perfect last name.
What about Greek and Roman names? I googled Greek and Roman baby names that sounded cool and looked at their meanings. Way too many to choose. I settled in my bank of possible last names of Orion and Hyperion — added those to the list. But I couldn’t stop there; what if there’s a better and cooler last name out than those? And then it hit me: Maximus Decimus Meridius.
OH HELL YEAH! The most bad ass fictional Roman of all time! Can’t get better than that right? But wait, which part of his name is considered his last name? So of course I had to do research on that. I learned information about the ancient Roman family naming system that I never would have looked up if it was any other time. The ancient Romans used a system of first name, family name, and a nickname or additional name. So in this case, Decimus would be his last name. But another thought popped into my head: what the hell is my first name going to be?
So now I had to pick out a first name. I thought about going with the entire title of Maximus Decimus Meridius, but after looking up forums on how the naming system appears in Black Desert, I thought having “Decimus Meridius” appearing above my head forever would look kind of silly. I knew I wanted to be the archer class for my first MMO experience, similar to how I took on the fighter class in Dungeons and Dragons because I was a noob and told my DM, “Give me a character like Legolas from Lord of the Rings!” But I didn’t want to use Legolas as my first name in Black Desert. I finally decided to use the name of the character that I created for a fun first time experience in D&D: Brogolas (imagine Legolas with his skills but he’s a royal and selfish).
Brogolas Decimus? That sounds lame. So does Brogolas Meridius. Okay, so Roman names are out. I decided to go to a fantasy name generator to see if elves have cool last names. Turns out they’re all hard to pronounce. What the hell is Wynkas or Farfaren? Gross. I can’t have a hard-to-pronounce last name! That’s the first thing people playing the game will see! How are they going to contact me? What if they’re trying to talk to me in a guild and they’re like, “W-Wynkas? Wankas? Wanker?” I can’t have that happen (Turns out no one gives a damn about your name, no one has actually contacted me so far, and a lot of theirs are something like xXnoobslayer69Xx)! So no elven last names.
Okay! I have it figured out. The Greek name Hyperion sounds cool. Brogolas Hyperion. Let’s type it in.
I check the time. I’ve spent two entire hours just trying to pick a freaking last name. I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME ALREADY!
Alright, I’m just going to use one of those names from the beginning, Altarius. That’s a cool name, but in my head I think Alterius sounds better. But wait! Alterion sounds even better! Let’s use that one!
GAH! NOOO! That one’s also taken!
Okay screw it. I’m just going to go with Alterius. Brogolas Alterius. I hope it works because I’m sick of choosing names.
THANK GOD! It accepted Alterius. It’s finally done. That took WAY too long. Damn perfectionism.
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