After my debacle with deciding on a family name, the next task was to create my character. Since I was the Archer class, it preloaded a Legolas look alike as my template. But of course I can’t just have Brogolas be another Legolas character; he has to be unique. So unique that he looks exactly like me.
Yes, every time there’s a character creation feature in a game, I have to make him appear as close as possible to my likeness. I can’t be like everyone else and make him some cool-looking elf or just some unique creature. However, since Black Desert allows up to six characters per family name, the next character I create will be someone unique.
Brogolas had to have my features: hazel eyes (I picked green because I don’t really know what color hazel is, plus that’s the closest color my eyes look to be in the mirror), dark brown hair, dark brown eyebrows. And then came the section that took me WAY too long: skin color.
The default skin color for the Archer class looks white, but once I selected a different shade out of the 50 or so options, I had a dilemma. There’s about 20 different shades of caucasian, and I had to go back and forth between ALL OF THEM. Does this white look more like my skin tone, or does that white? They all look like they could work!
And then it hit me: how about I just look at my damn skin and see which one matches? Good idea, me. You could’ve saved yourself about a half hour of wasted time. My skin doesn’t look exactly like the white skin tone for the Archer class; mine is more of the peach crayon color.
I finally figured out the damn skin tone. Last piece of the puzzle was musculature. Since this is a fantasy game, there’s no way in hell I’m going to have Brogolas’s body look exactly like mine. I can’t have him running around with a slight beer belly and some muscle underneath. I’m not going to allow my creation to have a freaking dad bod!
So i experimented with the musculature feature. The low end shows a skinny lean dude, while the high end shows a glossy beast of a bodybuilder. I picked somewhere about a third in between leaning towards the skinny end. I want the musculature of Orlando Bloom but without all that annoying glossiness.
Here is Brogolas in all of his glory:

Look at his majestic features! Ah. So stunning and marvelous.
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