I used to be amazing at sniping back in the days of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (CoD 4) and Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). I would sit, plop down my sniper rifle, and pop off head shots like it was nothing.
I took about a 10 year break from Call of Duty after the horribleness that was Modern Warfare 3. The last Call of Duty I played was Black Ops, which had the incredible “Sticks and Stones” game mode, along with other fun gaming options.
I passed on every single CoD up until the most recent game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which came out last year. It looked fun so I thought I would give it another shot after 10 years of skipping out.
Everything about the game is great. Except for Sniping.
No Good Sniping Maps
Bring back Afghan, Highrise, and Wasteland, or at least design maps that are similar.

Afghan had lots of areas for sniping, wide open spaces, and it didn’t have stupid objects blocking your line of sight.

Highrise was big and wide open, and had areas you could climb and camp out on while sniping.

Wasteland was even more wide open. Even though it was flat, it was perfect for sniping since there were lots of hiding places with no annoying objects hindering my field of view.
Aim Down Sight Speed
What the hell happened with the Aim Down Sight (ADS) for snipers? It’s twice as slow as it used to be when I last played a CoD game. How the hell am I supposed to get a kill with a sniper rifle when every other gun in the game has a faster ADS and can also kill me from far away?
Yeah, the developers probably made it like this to make the game more realistic; you can’t aim down your sniper scope in real life super fast like in MW2.
But God damn! I can’t kill anyone because it’s so damn slow!
I gave up on using sniper rifles and switched to marksman rifles; I get the same snappy ADS speed like in old games but with roughly the same amount of power as a sniper rifle. Snipers are pretty much useless now.
Bullet Drop
You know what’s bullshit? Me, aiming down the sight of my sniper rifle, being unable to hit the guy I’m aiming at from 500 feet away because of bullet drop.
But since he can see the glint of my sniper scope in the sun, and since his assault rifle magically doesn’t have any bullet drop, he kills me from 500 feet away just aiming straight at me. What in the ungodly fuck is that bullshit?
If they’re going to make sniper rifles have bullet drop, make every other gun also have bullet drop. Why should my beloved sniper rifle become worthless just to please those assault rifle assholes?
Okay, rant over.
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