I was playing Black Desert yesterday, strolling around the beautiful port town of Velia, completing mundane quests so I can move on to the next city. I happened to notice something that caught my eye.
I thought to myself, “Huh. The trees in this town seem more pink than usual. Weird.” And then it hit me. These aren’t pink trees. These are CHERRY BLOSSOMS!
And then I thought to myself, “Why the hell are there cherry blossoms in Black Desert?” And then it hit me again. It must be the spring event! And I was right!
Since I first started playing Black Desert last November, my first event in the game was the Christmas event, which I’m assuming was the winter event since it lasted from November all the way to January. The Christmas music they played was great, but it became quite annoying once Christmas was over. The warm Christmas feeling doesn’t hit me as hard when it’s been over a week since Christmas ended.
I feel like a complete noob since I remembered only a few days ago that my Xbox could take screenshots with the click of a button. I kept thinking to myself, “How am I going to take beautiful screenshots of these cherry blossoms? I don’t have any camera capture software.” Sad. I know.
After taking a few screenshots, a thought came to my head: this looks like it could be in some romance/slice of life anime.
So without further ado, here are some Black Desert pictures that look like they belong in an anime. Some of these look like I’m walking through an actual road in Japan.

In case you’re wondering, “Nebraskan Otaku, why is there all that freaking clutter on those gorgeous screenshots?” It’s because I don’t know how to remove it, or if it’s even possible. Remember, I wrote two posts about how I was overwhelmed by this game before even starting it up, so I most likely haven’t found the menu that removes the HUD. Man, this game is confusing, and I’m probably only 10% done.